Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Eureka Park Preview: PatentDive Is Helping Startups With Patents

By: Kyle

Inventors, Startups and Entrepreneurs Will Love PatentDive

Going through the hoops for a patent can be a very grueling process. But in today’s world, if you’re creating anything you want to bring to market, it’s a necessary evil. Inventors and startup founders who’ve tried to navigate the system on their own have often left themselves unprotected. Not any longer if New Orleans based PatentDive has anything to do with it.

Dr. Eric Leininger is a USPTO registered patent agent who has been through the hoops and hurdles of the US Patent process for years. The patenting process is tough to understand, even for patent attorneys. Even PhDs like Leininger have had trouble navigating the process.

For many, their first patent requires reams of paper work, and constant back and forth requests, by mail nonetheless, from the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This makes the process tedious and time consuming. That time, for many entrepreneurs, could be better spent on product development and getting their products to market.

While helping startups and entrepreneurs prepare patent applications, Leininger realized that not only was the process difficult, but it was also difficult for entrepreneurs and startup founders to effectively communicate about their invention. That’s why he developed PatentDive.

PatentDive is a software that helps facilitate better communication, which speeds up and helps alleviate the pain of the patent preparation process.  The company offers “Dive School” a 10 week program with interactive learning through games and videos that will help founders, inventors and entrepreneurs drafter their first patent application.

PatentDive starts with an easy to understand assessment of what kind of patent an entrepreneur may need. Their are two categories, Appearance and Functionality.  The platform explains that appearance dictates a design patent to protect the appearance and shape. If it’s functionality the startup is looking to protect, PatentDive points you towards a utility patent.

From there, PatentDive takes the user to a patent application engine. The Patent Application Builder, guides entrepreneurs and startup founders through each step of the design patent application process. The application builder gives instructions and answers questions along the way. The company suggests that most design patents can be done in under an hour.

They also offer a knowledge base patent education platform that answers questions thoroughly and in terms that most people can understand.

While there are many people and companies out there that claim to be able to help with patents, PatentDive is definitely a trusted source to go with. The New Orleans based startup, raised a new round of funding over the summer, led by the Catalyst Fund.

“The importance of securing patent protection on an invention cannot be overstated, but the traditional patent process is so complicated, expensive and time consuming that it is often dismissed by many entrepreneurs, “Louis Freeman, CEO of The Catalyst Fund told the New Orleans Advocate.

PatentDive will be in Eureka Park at CES 2018 in Las Vegas, January 9-12th, booth #50322 you can also check them out online at patentdive.com

Source >> http://www.nibletz.com/eureka-park/patentdive-startup

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