Thursday, February 27, 2020

Five Easy Ways To Protect Your New Ideas And Intellectual Property

By: Michael Gargiulo

I believe Forbes is one of the best platforms in the world for sharing and developing bold vision and great ideas. These ideas of ours are like sudden and unexpected natural events -- a volcanic eruption, a measurable earthquake or an F5 tornado dropping from the sky. They strike without warning and burst through the noisy clutter constantly running through our minds like a bright meteor shooting across a starless sky. When we are rewarded with a great idea, our first instinct is often to share that idea with someone we know and trust.

What is the first thing we do when we want to share work that is good enough to warrant a patent, copyright or trademark? We typically pull out our smartphones and start texting or calling. We may go on social media sites and eagerly inform our real and internet friends about our idea. Unfortunately, our passion to share and enlighten others overwhelms the fact that the world is now like an open book. The world is ruled by Wi-Fi and the internet of things (IoT).

Ideas and work can be stolen unless you take steps to protect them. This especially applies to concepts involving lucrative inventions, industrial secrets or medical abstractions. If a bright, creative lightbulb suddenly illuminates your world in the middle of the night, consider using one of these five ways to safeguard your idea.


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