Monday, August 26, 2019

How to Trademark a Logo

By: Xavier Morales, Esq.

One of the common questions I get from potential clients revolves around how to trademark a logo. When a small business is launching, taking the time to ensure your logo doesn’t infringe on someone else’s trademark is an important step.

How important is it for a business owner to trademark their logo? Consider the case of Coca-Cola, one of the most visible brands in the world. Sold in over 200 countries, Coca-Cola is such a successful company that it can survive almost anything.

If you were to burn down half of its manufacturing plants, the company would still be able to rebuild and recoup. If Coca-Cola somehow ran into a severe cash drain, most banks would willingly issue out loans based on the company’s identity.

The one thing the company would struggle to recover from is the loss of its brand. If Coca-Cola lost its trademark registration for the brand, it would become just another nameless soft drink company in a sea of options. It’s likely that the company would begin to suffer shortly after that. Coca-Cola as a company might have an annual revenue of nearly $50 billion, but the brand—an intangible asset—is worth a lot more.


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